6 Phrases that your Child Says – Decoded!

6 Phrases that your Child Says – Decoded!

Being a good parent takes a lot of energy and time!  At the end of the day, every parent will tell you that it is a very rewarding experience!  But before the end of the day gets here, there are moments when what your child says to you sometimes makes you question if you are doing a good job!!!

Well fear not!  I have decoded some of the things that kids say to parents to prove that you are really doing a great job!

1.    But all my friends are going, why can’t I?  – What this really means is – “Mom, thank you for not letting me run the streets doing things that a child my age should not be doing.  Thank you for keeping me home safe and out of trouble.”

2.    But it’s a C, mom, it’s not like it is an F or something – What this really means is “Mom, thank you, for caring about my grades!  Thank you for not letting me settle for mediocre!  Thank you for letting me know that a C is not acceptable even though the school system has a grading scale that includes a D and an F.  Thank you for caring about my future and about me getting into a good college!”

3.    It’s not fair!!! – What this really means is – “Mom – you are teaching me the ways of life!  That everything in life will not be handed to me on a silver platter. Thank you for this life lesson!”

4.    This dinner is yucky!! – What this really means is – “Mom, thank you for cooking food that is of nutritional value to me!  These fruits and vegetables will make me grow up big and strong! Thank you for giving me milk to drink instead of sugar loaded soda that will zap all of my energy later!”

5.    Why do I have to do that? – What this really means is – “Mom, thank you for instilling responsibility in me!  Thank you for making me appreciate what I have and for teaching me how to take care of my belongings by cleaning my room and taking care of the home that you and dad provide for me!”

6.    You are ruining my life! – What this really means is – “Mom, thank you for raising me to be an intelligent, responsible human being.  Thank you for showing me that you care enough to ensure that I am safe and well taken care of!”

So again!  If you are hearing some of these phrases, rest assured, they are really of good thing and a sure sign that you are on the right track!  Keep up the great parenting!
